Muses Saga

Meet Alexia

Alexia, twenty-three, is a neuroscientist from a small state in India. Her struggles with emotional and mental health issues, sometimes render her incapable of expressing herself and accepting affection. After struggling with intimacy, she sees writing poetry as a therapeutic anchor which helps her flow on a piece of paper without the fear of getting carried away.

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  • Impulses Laid Bare

    Author: Alexia

      Impulses are like concealed cracks in porcelain, no matter how much you attempt to hide them, they somehow manage to lay themselves bare. Blame it on the lighting, the angle, or the viewer’s keen sight but deep down we know, these cracks reveal some things about ourselves that we are not ready to accept or at least display. But what if we fill these cracks with different shades of love, acceptance and expression?
