Muses Saga

publish Your Book

Writing is difficult, publishing doesn't have to be!

Our Vision

We at Muses_Saga envision a world where you can feed your hunger for reading without cost- to person or planet. 

what we do-

For Authors:

Zero-Cost Publishing

We help authors bring their work to life without having to spend a penny on the publishing process. As a zero-cost publishing house, we do everything from editing to the marketing of a book for the author. 

For Readers:

Free Online Reading  

We also provide a free online reading option for all our books. The portion of the book provided for free depends on the author. 

Trigger Warnings

We care about the mental well-being of our readers. Thus, we provide trigger warnings for all our books.

For the Environment: 

Eco-Friendly Publishing

We ensure our products are as eco-friendly as we can make them. As an eco-friendly publisher, we use recycled paper and print books on demand. 

We only partner with Sustainable and Ethical brands. You can think of us as a premium sustainability advertising space, where we have done the research for you. 

To know more about our sustainability practices head to Our Sustainability Initiatives. 

Green, informed, and free- that’s Muses_Saga for you.